It is useful to have a separate page for each product/service and write as much detail about each as possible. Start each page with a brief summary of the product/services, then provide whatever information you can. When people are searching for information on the Internet, they want to know it NOW. They don’t want to wait until tomorrow when they can speak to you on the phone.
List your major services in general on this page. For example, if your site is a legal website, attorneys provide various services. The parent page, this page, would list all of the services that an attorney would handle such as Personal Injury, Business Law, and DUI. You would list all of the services for the attorney and then a little bit of information about each area of practice with a link to the subpage that has more detail about each service and possibly pricing.
Hunter Marketing Group will ensure that your pages are optimized so that they register in the various search engines for the specific keywords your company is looking to attract potential customers with.